You feel the Earth above you, bleeding only into the edge of your vision. It is heavy. You are close enough to understand the depth of the clouds, of the mountains, of the water. Spiraling into ever deeper blue.

The stars blink, first one, then two, then three. The trees bow, leaves melting into shadow, threads taut and curled, rain soaked, hanging from the moon. In the black you understand the beauty in a line, in a curve.

A deity adorned. Her dress from light and fire and dust, shimmering like marbles dashed into a spotlight's exposed circuit, the shroud surrounding her like thirteen halos and still, the edge clumped and matted, dragged through mud.


>You learn her ties to this world were long since severed, but she returns anyway, of her own volition.

>You learn the soil will bear fruit in the next year, but it may be the last for a while.

>You learn the sacred blade will first cut you.

>You learn it does, in fact, all tend toward fire, but you were revolutionaries once before mercenaries for the invading army.

>You learn, in the full expanse of time, you will have smiled together with somebody on another land more than cried.

>You learn the next apocalypse is one of many and you have lived through innumerable already.

>You learn that dreams were stolen from sleep but, though more blinding, must be found when you are awake.

>You learn to sew.

>You learn it is impossible for a body to be one's own but some may dance as if it were.