Transmissions, 2023


Single art for Transmissions' new single Mermaid.

Mermaid album art

I've got a few process images to share. The piece is done in soft pastel. They're pretty good!

First rough.

Line art.

As you can see I had to comp two different images because I messed up the colouring of the mermaid the first time

What became the background.

The re-do of the mermaid.

As you can probably tell from the process images the mermaid was initially uncovered. I think I wanted to play up the mythlogical / siren aspect. I didn't think what was visible in the final piece would have pushed us above a PG rating but best to err on the side of caution for these things I suppose.

You get to see it here sans frame. We played around with a few frames so you can build your own if you are so inclined.

Original art.